Century 21’s Sustainable Success

Century 21 has completely support sustainability and energy saving, achieving remarkable results that demonstrate its commitment. Wit the help of their environmental initiatives, they have successfulyy decreased CO2 emissions and, in just 14v months, generated a significant return on investment (ROI).

Energy-Saving Success

With a strong focus on energy efficiency, CENTURY 21 has successfully reduced energy use by an astonishing 24.6%. In addition to demonstrating their commitment to environmental responsibility, this considerable reduction in energy use also establishes a standard for other real estate firms to aspire to.

CO2 Reduction Impact

In addition to their energy-saving achievements, CENTURY 21 has successfully saved energy and substantially decreased its carbon impact. 4 tons less CO2 are emitted annually as a result of their efforts. This illustrates their role in preventing climate change and highlights their dedication to developing sustainable properties.

ROI in Record Time

CENTURY 21 has found that adopting energy-saving technologies and ecological practices pays off financially. Their impressive ROI of 14 months clearly demonstrates the financial advantages of their energy-efficient activities. The company's innovative strategy enhances their financial security while also helping the environment.

The effective integration of MESHIK in Ceiling Cassette AC units sets a standard for other real estate firms looking to improve energy efficiency and lessen their environmental impact. The industry can collaboratively support a greener and more sustainable future by adopting cutting-edge technologies like MESHIK.

Step-by-step on how to install MESHIK in Ceiling Cassettes.

1. Open the cassette grille.

  • Unscrew the grille

  • Open and place the grille on the side

2. Place a piece of CONTINEWM net in.

  • Measure the filter size

  • Cut your Continewn nets according to the size of the filter

  • Place the Continewm net on the filter, make sure it covers the entire filter

3. Close the cassette grille.

  • Make sure the filter is in the same initial position

  • Place the maintenance sticker inside

  • Place the grille back on

  • Screw back the grille


